Mothers can make a difference by working together in order to assist their children.

Coalition of Mothers Against Censorship (shorter CoMAC), is again on the warpath. Most of those who were affected by the protests in Summer 2020 were mothers. Their daughters and sons protested against various causes. Mothers were at in their homes, waiting, and anxiously awaiting the day their children were due home for treatment. Because of the epidemic that was sweeping the country, the idea of taking your child to the emergency room in order to take care of minor injuries wasn't a smart one. In the worst case it is possible to contract Covid just by going there. Mothers would instead take care of their kids at home with lots of affection Bandaids, sanitizers, and other items.In the weeks, or maybe months later, when everything has calmed down, CoMAC is out again and trying to prove to those in the government this isn't the way to go. Are you familiar with the protest videos? Are you shocked? It's clear how the police would deal with peaceful protesters. They would spray them with water and then swoop through the crowd. If you've not seen these videos - find them on twitter and even Youtube.. Download them from Youtube for those who are worried that authorities will remove them You can download them using a program like this amazing ninja website.. This isn't the best way. We don't need to preserve the evidence for illegal acts just because somebody might claim to have done it. The video will be deleted and erased the eyewitness accounts from the first-hand accounts.It is commonplace that police play popular songs when filming. This is in order to trigger the copyright mechanism when the video is posted on Youtube or any other site that allow digital content. This is another method to cover up evidence. It's a long-standing strategy of not paying attention to reliable sources that are able to provide truthful information on the happenings locally and globally. Youtube and Twitter share videos are shut down by fake copyrights. CoMAC often has to monitor uploaders of videos in order to ensure that evidence remains available. Mothers must band together in solidarity and provide support to each other. We need to stand up and stop taking evidence proving brutality from the government's employees against other protesters.Mothers could end up on the forefront of everything just because they are able to hold their children. They carry home the smoke that comes from frontlines. This isn't how we've learned to think our children are safe in our neighborhoods. Let's be in control of our surroundings. Only through personal accountability and better government oversight can we prosper as a nation and conquer our challenges with grace while still holding on to just intentions. Find your local CoMAC branch and take your seats for the commentary tour, as it is coming to your town. We hope to see you there